ॐNavgrah Shanti Mantra ( Brahma Murari )ॐ

Note: This is recited in the morning to make the day auspicious and fruitful. 

Brahma Murari Tripuran-takari
Bhanu, Shashi, Bhumi-suto Budhascha
Guruscha, Sukra, Shani, Rahu, Ketava
Kuru vantu sarve mama suprabhatam
Meaning: Oh, Brahma, Krishna, and Shiva
Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury
Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, North and South Nodes
Do, all you planets, help me to go forth well today

The term Navgraha denotes the nine celestial bodies which are central to astrological calculations. The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the two shadow planets Rahu and Ketu constitute the Navgrahas.
Navgraha puja and havan helps in removing sufferings in life. It helps in all endeavors. Luck improves after the Puja and Havan. Depression reduces and success is achieved in life. The importance of Navgraha in life is given below.

Surya (The Sun): The Sun is the most important and powerful graha among the Navgrahas who endows good health and prosperity.

Chandra (The Moon): Moon rules over mind and is important for success in life. The sign where Moon is placed at the time of birth is considered the Moon Sign.

Mangal (Mars): Mars gives prosperity and wealth.

Bhudh (Mercury): Mercury is the planet of knowledge and is the giver of wisdom and wealth.

Guru (Jupiter): Jupiter is important for success in education. It is the giver of all knowledge. Jupiter helps in curing ailments. It also cleanses negative emotions.

Shukra (Venus): Venus gives knowledge of art and music. He is also the giver of long life, wealth, happiness, children, property and good education. 

Shani (Saturn): Saturn ensures happiness. However, it can adversely affect when placed in any bad house. 

Rahu (Ascending node of the Moon): Rahu makes us stronger individual. Rahu can also help in converting enemies into friends.

Ketu (Descending node of the Moon): Ketu can bring prosperity and negates bad effects, illnesses etc. Ketu can also give good health, wealth and financial prosperity.

The materials needed for the Puja are Coconut, Beetle leaves, fruits, Ghee, Prasad, Sweets and Hawan samagri etc. Thereafter, food or Bhojan Dakshina should be offered to Brahmins who perform this Puja. Vastra Dan or cloths should also be given to the Brahmins at the end of the Pooja. Dakshina should be duly given to the Brahmins for performing Puja and Havan.

Specific mantras for each planets are given below

Mantra for Sun
“Om hran hreen hron saha suryaye namah”

Mantra for Moon
“Om shran shreen shron saha chandrmase namah”

Mantra for Mangal
“Om kran kreen kron saha bhoma-ye namah”

Mantra for Mercury
“Om bran breen bron saha buddha-ye namah”

Mantra for Jupiter
“Om gran green gron saha Gurvay  namah”

Mantra for Shukra
“Om dran dreen dron saha Shukra-ye namah”

Mantra for Shani
“Om pran preen pron saha Shanaye  namah”

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for a beautiful explanation.
    My only confusion is that are these planets or celestial satellites?
    No offence meant

