ॐ Sriman Narayana ॐ

Shriman Narayana (with lyrics) by hindudevotionalstotram

Sriman Narayana Shriman Narayana is a beautiful Tirupati Venkateswara Balaji (Lord Vishnu) composed by Annamacharya or Sri Tallapaka Annamayya(1408-1503). Sri Annamacharya is considered as the Pada-kavita Pitaamaha (Grand old man of song writing) is a Carnatic composer and Telugu song writer, who had composed lots of wonderful Sankeertanas (a type of Hindu devotional Bhajan song) in praise of Lord Venkateswara, the presiding deity of Tirupati Tirumala Venkateswara Temple, Andhra Pradesh.Sriman Narayana is one of the beautiful compositions of Annamacharya – the Ragam is Bauli and Talam Adi

ॐ Karaagre Vasate Lakshmi ( Stotra as soon as one wakes up) ॐ

A Hindu is supposed to wake uo very early in the morning much earlier to sun rise. It is believed that the first thing you see in the morning determines one’s day.
The first thing when we get up in the morning before we see anyone or anything we must look at our open palms joint together and recite this mantra.

Karaagre vasate lakshmi
karamadhye saraswati
karamooleh tu govinda
prabhaate karadarshanam

Meaning :The front part of the hands (the finger tips) are ascribed to Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth,the middle part (the palm proper) to Goddess Saraswati - the Goddess of learning and the root (thepart of of hand near the wrist) to Govinda (God). Therefore, every morning, one should have a respectful look at one's hand which symbolizes honest labor.

ॐ Navagraha Stotram ॐ

Navagraha stotram (with lyrics) by hindudevotionalstotram

According to Hindu Vedic Astrology, the unfavorable position of Planets in the Horoscope is responsible for all the hardships and struggles faced by us despite of the hard work and efforts we put in to improve our lives. The placement of the nine planets in the Horoscope points out the karmic influence on the behavior of the individual. Astrologists and Numerologists use this information to suggest remedial measures for appeasing the ill effects of Planets like  wearing gemstones or rudrakshaschanting mantras related to the planet etc.
Research has proved mantra's as a powerful tool for healing. Mantra chanting or even listening to it creates positive vibrations and removes negativity. Navagraha Mantra is the mantra of the 9 planets. In 

ॐ Sri Vishnu Stutiॐ

Shaanta-kaaram bhujaga-shayanam padma-naabham suresham 
Vishwa-dhaaram gagana-sadrisham megha-varanam shubhaangam. 
Lakshmi-kaantam kamala-nayanam yogi-bhi-dhyaana-agamyam 
Vande vishnum bhava-bhaya-haram sarva-lokaika-naatham.

1: (Salutations to Sri Vishnu) Who has a Serene Appearance, Who Rests on a Serpent (Adisesha), Who has a Lotus on His Navel and Who is the Lord of the Devas,
2: Who Sustains the Universe, Who is Boundless and Infinite like the Sky, Whose Colour is like the Cloud (Bluish) and Who has a Beautiful and Auspicious Body,
3: Who is the Husband of Devi Lakshmi, Whose Eyes are like Lotus and Who is Attainable to the Yogis by Meditation,
4: Salutations to That Vishnu Who Removes the Fear of Worldly Existence and Who is the Lord of All the Lokas.

ॐ Samudra Vasane Devi ( Morning Sloka) ॐ

Samudra Vasane Devi is one of the daily Hindu prayers addressed to the Bhumi Devi. Hindus consider Earth (Bhumi Devi or Bhu Devi) as a Goddess. Bhumi Devi or Bhudevi is the consort of Lord Varaha, one of the 10 Avatars of Lord Maha Vishnu. Hence Hindus consider Bhuma Devi (Earth) as our mother and we need to ask her to pardon befor seeting our foot on her.
This is the daily prayer addressed to Bhumi Devi as soon as one wakes up from bed and before setting his foot on earth.

Samudra-Vasane Devi Parvata-Stana-Mannddale |
Vissnnu-Patni Namastubhyam Paada-sparsham Kssama-Svame ||

1: (Oh Mother Earth) The Devi Who is having Ocean as Her Garments and Mountains as Her Bosom,
2: Who is the Consort of Sri Vishnu, I Bow to You; Please Forgive Us for Touching You with Our Feet.

ॐ Sri Ashtalakshmi Stotram ॐ

Ashtalakshmi Stotram (with Lyrics ) by hindudevotionalstotram

Aadi Lakshmi
Sumanasa vandita sundari madhavi chandra sahodari hema maye |
muni gana mandita moksha pradayini manjula bhashini veda nute ||
pankaja vasini deva supujita sadguna varshini shanti yute |
jaya jaya he madhu sudana kamini adi lakshmi sada palaya mam || 1 ||

Meaning:  Victory and victory to Adhi lakshmi
Oh, darling of the killer of Madhu,
Who is worshipped by all good people,
Who is pretty and sister of the moon,,
Who looks as if she is made of gold,
Who is saluted by all groups of sages,
Who grants salvation,
Who talks sweet words,
Who is praised by Vedas,
Who lives on the Lotus flower,
Who is worshipped by all devas,
Who showers good qualities on people,
And who is the personification of peace,
Please protect me always.

ॐ Lord Ganesha Namavali ॐ

ॐ Sri Ganesha Pancharatnam Stotram ॐ

Ganesha Pancharatnam Stotram (with lyrics) by hindudevotionalstotram

Mudaa-Karaatta-Modakam Sadaa Vimukti-Saadhakam
Kalaa-Dhara-Avatamsakam Vilaasi-Loka-Rakssakam |
Anaayakai[a-E]ka-Naayakam Vinaashitebha-Daityakam
Nata-Ashubha-Ashu-Naashakam Namaami Vinaayakam ||1||

1.1: (Salutations to Sri Vinayaka) Who Holds the Divine Joy in His Hand as Modaka (a sweetmeat) and Who Always strives to Accomplish the Liberation of His Devotees towards that Divine Joy,
1.2: Who Holds the Digit of the Moon as His Ornament and with a Joyful Spirit Protects the World,
1.3: Who is without any Master but is Himself the only Master for His Devotees, and Protects them by Destroying the (inner) Demons,
1.4: To those who Surrender to Him, He Destroys the Inauspicious tendencies Quickly; I Salute Sri Vinayaka and surrender to Him.

Nate[a-I]tara-Ati-Bhiikaram Navodita-Arka-Bhaasvaram
Namat-Sura-Ari-Nir-Jaram Nata-Adhika-Apad-Uddharam |
Sureshvaram Nidhi-[I]ishvaram Gajeshvaram Ganneshvaram
Maheshvaram Tama-Ashraye Paraatparam Nir-Antaram ||2||

2.1: (Salutations to Sri Vinayaka) To those who do not Bow down to God out of arrogance, He takes a Frightening form; His benign form is however like a Newly-Risen Sun,
2.2: Who is always Fresh without any Decay, and is Saluted Reverentially by the Devas and the Devoted Persons; Who Extricates those who Surrender to Him from Difficult Calamities,
2.3: Who is the God of the Devas, Who is the God of Prosperity, Who is the God with an Elephant Face and Who is the God of the Ganas (celestial attendants),
2.4: Who is the Great God; To His Refuge, Who is Superior than the Best, I Continually place myself in devotional surrender.

Samasta-Loka-Shamkaram Nirasta-Daitya-Kun.jaram
Daretarodaram Varam Varebha-Vaktram-Akssaram |
Krpaa-Karam Kssamaa-Karam Mudaa-Karam Yashas-Karam
Manas-Karam Namas-Krtaam Namas-Karomi Bhaasvaram ||3||

3.1: (Salutations to Sri Vinayaka) Who is the Auspicious Power behind All the Worlds and Who Removes the Mighty (inner) Demons,
3.2: Whose Huge Body signifies Prosperity and Boon-Giving and Whose Most Excellent Face reflects His Imperishable Nature.
3.3: Who Showers Grace, Who Showers Forgiveness, Who Showers Joy and who Showers Glory to His Devotees,
3.4: Who Bestows Intelligence and Wisdom to those Who Salute Him with Reverence; I Salute His Shining Form.

Akincana-arti-Maarjanam Cirantanokti-Bhaajanam
Pura-Ari-Puurva-Nandanam Sura-Ari-Garva-Carvannam |
Prapan.ca-Naasha-Bhiissannam Dhananjaya-adi-Bhuussannam
Kapola-Daana-Vaarannam Bhaje Puraanna-Vaarannam ||4||

4.1: (Salutations to Sri Vinayaka) Who Wipes out the Sufferings of the Destitutes who take His Refuge; Who is the Receptacle of the Words of Praises of the Ancients,
4.2: Who is the Former Son (the latter being Kartikeya) of the Enemy of Tripurasuras (i.e. Lord Shiva), and Who Chews down the Pride and Arrogance of the Enemies of the Devas,
4.3: Who wields Terrible Power to Destroy the delusion of the Five Elements constituting the World (from the mind of His Devotees); Who Himself is Adorned with the Powers (behind the Five Elements) like Fire etc,
4.4: From Whose Cheeks flow down the Juice of Grace; Salutations to Him Whose Praise similarly flows down like Juice from the Puranas.

Acintya-Ruupam-Anta-Hiinam-Antaraaya-Krntanam |
Hrd-Antare Nirantaram Vasantam-Eva Yoginaam
Tam-Eka-Dantam-Eva Tam Vicintayaami Santatam ||5||

5.1: (Salutations to Sri Vinayaka) Whose Beautiful Form of Ekadanta is very much Dear to His Devotees, and Who is the Son of the One (referring to Lord Shiva) Who Put an End to (i.e. restrained) Antaka (i.e. Yama).
5.2: Whose essential Form is Inconceivable and without any Limit, and which Cuts through the Obstacles of His Devotees,
5.3: Who Continually Abides in the Cave of the Heart of the Yogis.
5.4: I Continually Reflect upon Him, the Ekadanta (another name of Sri Vinayaka).

Mahaa-Gannesha-Pan.ca-Ratnam-Aadarenna Yonvaham
Prajalpati Prabhaatake Hrdi Smaran Ganneshvaram |
Arogataam-Adossataam Su-Saahitiim Su-Putrataam
Samaahita-Ayur-Asstta-Bhuutim-Abhy-Upaiti Sociraat ||6||

6.1: (Salutations to Sri Vinayaka) Those who Read the Great Ganesha Pancharatnam (five Jewels in praise of Sri Ganesha) with Devotion ...
6.2: ... and Utter this in the Early Morning Contemplating on Sri Ganeshvara in their Hearts ...
6.3: ... will get Free from Diseases and Vices, will get Good Spouses and Good Sons, ....
6.4: ... and with it He will get Long Life and the Eight Powers soon.

ॐ Sri Siva Sahasranama Stotram ॐ

ॐKaracharana Kritam (Bedtime Sloka)ॐ

Bedtime is the time when people want to relax themselves after the long hectic schedules of the day. It is considerable to remember God at such time. Following Bedtime Sloka / Shloka is a bedtime prayer of the Hindus.
By God's grace, we have completed one more day of our life. So, in order to thank god and to ask for his mercy, one can recite this Sloka. This bedtime Sloka is a prayer to God asking him to excuse our mistakes and maintain his mercy on us.

Kara-Caranna Krtam Vaak-Kaaya-Jam Karma-Jam Vaa |
Shravanna-Nayana-Jam Vaa Maanasam Va-Aparaadham |
Vihitam-Avihitam Vaa Sarvam-Etat-Kssamasva |
Jaya Jaya Karunna-Abdhe Shrii-Mahaadeva Shambho ||

1: Whatever Sins have been Committed by Actions Performed by my Hands and Feet, Produced by my Speech and Body, Or my Works,
2: Produced by my Ears and Eyes, Or Sins Committed by my Mind (i.e. Thoughts),
3: While Performing Actions which are Prescribed (i.e. duties prescribed by tradition or allotted duties in one's station of life), As Well as All other Actions which are Not explicitly Prescribed (i.e. actions done by self-judgement, by mere habit, without much thinking, unknowingly etc); Please Forgive Them All,
4: Victory, Victory to You, O Sri Mahadeva Shambho, I Surrender to You, You are an Ocean of Compassion.

ॐSubham Karoti Kalyanam (Sloka For Lighting Lamp )ॐ

Subham Karoti Kalyanam
Arogyam Dhana Sampadah
Shatru Buddhi Vinashaya 
Deepa Jyotir Namostute
Meaning: The accurate meaning of the mantra is: "I fold my hands before the light that brings prosperity, auspiciousness, good health, abundance of wealth and destruction of the enemy's intellect". Here, Darkness symbolizes enemy's intellect and with the arrival of light, darkness disappears. Likewise, light (God's Grace) destroys darkness (enemy's intellect).

Deepajyotih Para Brahma 
Deepa Jyothir Janardhanah 
Deepo Haratu Me Paapam
Sandhya Deepam Namostute
Meaning: The literal meaning of the mantra is: "I fold my hands before the lord, the maintainer of this creation, in the form of this light. I adore this light, which destroys all the pains resulting from my omissions and commissions".

ॐ Shiva Stuti ॐ

ॐ Gayathri Manthram ॐ

ॐ Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatam ॐ

Sri Venkateshwara Suprabhatham (with lyrics) by hindudevotionalstotram

Kausalyaa Su-Prajaa Raama Puurvaa-Sandhyaa Pravartate |
Uttissttha Nara-Shaarduula Karttavyam Daivam-Aahnikam ||1||

1.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) O Rama, the most Excellent Son of Kaushalya; in the East the Dawn is fast Approaching in this Beautiful Juncture of Night and Day,
1.2: Please Wake Up in Our Hearts, O Purushottama (the Best of Men ) so that we can perform our Daily Duties as Divine Rituals unto You and thus do the Ultimate Duty of our lives.

Uttissttho[ah-U]ttissttha Govinda Uttissttha Garudda-Dhvaja |
Uttissttha Kamalaa-Kaanta Trai-Lokyam Manggalam Kuru ||2||

2.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Wake Up, Wake Up O Govinda within Our Hearts. Wake Up O the One with Garuda in His Flag,
2.2: Please Wake Up, O Beloved of Kamala and Fill the Hearts of the Devotees in the Three Worlds with the Auspicious Bliss of Your Presence.

Maatas-Samasta-Jagataam Madhu-Kaittabha-Areh
Vaksso-Vihaarinni Manohara-Divya-Muurte |
Shrii-Svaamini Shrita-Janapriya-Daanashiile
Shrii-Vengkattesha-Dayite Tava Suprabhaatam ||3||

3.1 (Salutations to Divine Mother Lakshmi) In this Beautiful Dawn, O Mother of All the Worlds, Let Our Inner Enemies Madhu and Kaitabha Disappear,
3.2: And Let us only see Your Beautiful Divine Form Playing within the Heart of Sri Govinda in the entire Creation,
3.3: You are Worshipped as the Lord of All the Worlds and extremely Dear to the Devotees; and Your Liberal Disposition has created such Abundance in Creation,
3.4: Such is Your Glory that this Beautiful Dawn of Your Creation is being Cherished by Sri Venkatesa Himself.

Tava Suprabhaatam-Aravinda-Locane 
Bhavatu Prasanna-Mukha-Candra-Mannddale |
Vrsha-Shaila-Naatha-Dayite Dayaa-Nidhe ||4||

4.1: (Salutations to Divine Mother Lakshmi) In this Beautiful Dawn of Yours, Let us see the Creation within Your Lotus-Eyes,
4.2: Let us see the Creation Existing within the Halo of Your Compassionate Moon-Face,
4.3: You are Served and Worshipped by Vidhi (Sri Brahma), Sri Shankara and Indra Deva,
4.4: And Your Ocean of Compassion Manifested in Creation as Abundance is Cherished by the Lord of Vrishabhadra Hill.

Atryaadi-Sapta-Rssayas-Samupaasya Sandhyaam
Aakaasha-Sindhu-Kamalaani Manoharaanni |
Aadaaya Paada-Yugam-Arcayitum Prapannaah
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam ||5||

5.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn when the Night is meeting the Day, Sage Atri and Other Sapta Rishis are Chanting the Morning Prayers Together ...
5.2: ... near the Akasa Ganga River on which is blossoming the Beautiful Lotuses;
5.3: And then Taking Refuge in Your Lotus Feet they are Worshipping them,
5.4: (The Sapta-Rishis are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of the Seshadri Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Traivikrama-[A]adi-Caritam Vibudhaah Stuvanti |
Bhaassaa-Patih Patthati Vaasara-Shuddhimaaraat
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam ||6||

6.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn, Sri Panchanana (Five-Faced Brahma) Abiding on Lotus, Sri Shanmukha (Six-Faced Subramaniya), Indra Deva and Other Devas,
6.2: Are Praising the Divine Deeds of Trivikrama (Who covered the 3 worlds with his steps) and Other Incarnations of Yours,
6.3: Sri Brihaspati, the Lord of Sacred Speech is Reciting the Sacred Hymns to Purify the Day,
6.4: (The Gods are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of the Seshadri Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Puuga-Druma-[A]adi-Sumanohara-Paalikaanaam |
Aavaati Mandam-Anilas-Saha Divya-Gandhaih
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam ||7||

7.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn, The Slightly Blooming Lotuses on the Lake and the Coconut, ...
7.2: ... Betel-Nut and Other Trees Beautifully set along the Edge of the Lake ...
7.3: ... are Worshipping You O Lord, by Blowing Gentle Breeze Towards You which is Filled with Divine Fragrance,
7.4: (The Trees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of the Seshadri Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Unmiilya Netra-Yugam-Uttama-Pan.jarasthaah
Paatra-Avashisstta-Kadalii-Phala-Paayasaani |
Bhuktvaa Saliilam-Atha Keli-Shukaah Patthanti
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam ||8||

8.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn, Opening their Pair of Eyes those Excellent Parrots Living within the Cage,
8.2: See Your Prasad consisting of Sweet Payasam mixed with Bananas Leftover in their Bowls;
8.3: And Having Eaten them Playfully, they are Playfully Reciting Your Hymns,
8.4: (The Parrots are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of the Seshadri Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Tantrii-Prakarssa-Madhura-Svanayaa Vipan.cyaa
Gaayaty-Ananta-Caritam Tava Naarado[a-A]pi |
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam ||9||

9.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the String of the Lute of Sage Narada is Emitting Exceedingly Sweet Music,
9.2: And Sage Narada is Singing Your Endless Divine Deeds,
9.3: And All those Descriptions of Your Deeds Spreading Out ( i.e. Wandering ) in Streams (i.e. Repeatedly ) in All Directions are Delightful to the Devotees,
9.4: (Sage Narada is Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of the Seshadri Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Bhrnggaavalii Ca Makaranda-Rasa-Anuviddha
Jhangkaara-Giita-Ninadais-Saha Sevanaaya |
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam ||10||

10.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Swarm of Bees who were Staying all Night within the Lotus Flowers Abounding in the Juice of Honey ...
10.2 ... is Worshipping You at Dawn With the Sweet Sound of their Buzzing Music ..
10.3: ... after they Came Out of the Interior of the Lotus Flowers towards the Edge of the Lake.
10.4: (The Bees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of the Seshadri Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Yossaa-Gannena Vara-Dadhni Vi-Mathyamaane
Ghossa-[A]alayessu Dadhi-Manthana-Tiivra-Ghossaah |
Rossaat-Kalim Vidadhate Kakubhashca Kumbhaah
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam ||11||

11.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Cowherd Girls are Engaged in Producing the Best of Curds,
11.2: The Loud Sound of Churning of the Curds are coming from their Houses,
11.3: Where their Churning Rods and Lofty Pitchers are Engaged in Passionate Strife to Produce the Best of Curds,
11.4: (The Cowherd Girls are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of the Seshadri Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Hartum Shriyam Kuvalayasya Nija-Angga-Lakssmyaa |
Bherii-Ninaadam-Iva Bibhrati Tiivra-Naadam
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam ||12||

12.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn, O Possessor of Lotus in the Navel and Sustainer of the World, the Swarm of Bees Within the Hundred-Petalled Lotuses,
12.2: Who have Surpassed in their Blue Lustre (which is the Color of Sri Vishnu), the Lustre of the Blue Water Lily's Own Form,
12.3: Are Conveying with their Loud Humming Sound which appears Like the Sound of the Kettle-Drum, the Rise of the Blue Form (i.e. Sri Vishnu) in the Dawn,
12.4: (The Bees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of the Seshadri Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Shrii-Shriinivaasa Jagad-Eka-Daya-i[E]ka-Sindho |
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||13||

13.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Devotees are Invoking You, O Govinda, the Possessor of Sri, the Desired End of the Devotees, Giver of Boons and Friend of the Entire World,
13.2: The Devotees are Invoking You O Sri Srinivasa, the One (Purusha) in the World Who is the One Ocean of Compassion,
13.3: The One with Divine Form Whose Breast is the Abode of Divine Mother Sri,
13.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Shreyo[as-A]rthino Hara-Virin.ca-Sanandana-Adyaah |
Dvaare Vasanti Vara-Vetra-Hato[a-U]ttama-Anggaah
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||14||

14.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Pure-Bodied Ones (Sri Shiva, Sri Brahma etc) having taken their Bath in the Sri Swami Pushkarini (the temple tank),
14.2: Those Pure Bodied Ones Sri Hara (Sri Shiva), Sri Virinchi (Sri Brahma), Sage Sanandana and Other Sages Who are Your Best Devotees,
14.3: Are Proceeding towards the Gate of Your Shrine where are Staying Your Most Excellent Retinue who have been Struck by Your Boon-Giving Staff (and hence blessed to be in your close company),
14.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Shrii-Shessashaila Garuddaacala-Vengkattaadri
Naaraayannaadri Vrssabhaadri-Vrssaadri Mukhyaam |
Aakhyaam Tvadiiya-Vasater-Anisham Vadanti
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||15||

15.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Devotees are Remembering the Sheshadri Hill, the Garudachala Hill, the Venkatadri Hill, ...
15.2: ... the Narayanadri Hill, the Vrishabhadri Hill, the Vrishadri Hill which are the Chief ...
15.3: ... among the Hills Named where the Devotees Say that You Dwell Incessantly,
15.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Raksso[as-A]mbunaatha Pavamaana Dhana-Adinaathaah |
Baddha-An.jali Pravilasan-Nija-Shiirssa Deshaah
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||16||

16.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Eight Dikpalas (Guardian deities of the eight directions) who are Intent Upon Serving You - Shiva (Ishana), Indra ( the Lord of the Devas ), Krishanu (Agni or God of Fire), Dharma (Dharmaraja or Yama), ...
16.2: ... Rakshasa (Niruthi), Varuna ( the Lord of Water ) and Kubera ( the Lord of Wealth ),
16.3: Are Standing with their Palms Joined in Devotion and their Heads are Shining with Divine Glow,
16.4: (The Dikpalas are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Dhaa-[A]ttiissu Te Vihaga-Raaja Mrga-Adhiraaja
Naaga-Adhiraaja Gaja-Raaja Haya-Adhiraajaah |
Sva-Svaadhikaara Mahima-Adhikam-Arthayante
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||17||

17.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Your Vahanas ( Conveyances ) - Garuda ( the King of Birds ), Lion ( the King of Animals ) ...
17.2: ... Adisesha ( the King of Snakes ), Airavatha ( the King of Elephants ) and Ucchaisravas ( the King of Horses ),
17.3: Are Seeking Your Blessings For Augmenting their Greatness in their Respective Duties in order to Serve You Better,
17.4: (The Vahanas are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Suurye[a-I]ndu Bhauma Budha Vaak-Pati Kaavya-Sauri
Svarbhaanu Ketu Divissat-Parissat-Pradhaanaah |
Tvad-Daasa Daasa Carama-Avadhi Daasa-Daasaah
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||18||

18.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Navagrahas (Nine Planets) - Surya (Surya), Indu (Moon), Bhauma (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Vakpati (the Lord of Speech or Brihaspati or Jupiter), Kavya (Sukra or Venus), Sauri (Saturn) ...
18.2: ... Swarbhanu (Rahu), Ketu who are among the Chief in the Assembly of the Devas (Gods),
18.3: Are Your Servant's Servant (i.e. willing to serve Your true Devotees) and will remain as Your Servant's Servant Till the End,
18.4: (The Navagrahas are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Tvat-Paada-Dhuuli Bharita-Sphurito[a-U]ttamaanggaah
Svarga-Apavarga Nirapekssa Nija-Antar-Anggaah |
Kalpa-[A]agama-[A]akalanaya-[A]akulataam Labhante
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||19||

19.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Your Devotees are taking the Sacred Dust of Your Lotus Feet; their Foreheads Filled with the Sacred Dust are Exhibiting Your Insignia,
19.2: Your Sacred Insignia on their Outer Bodies and Surrender to Your Lotus Feet have made their Inner Bodies (i.e. Mind) Indifferent to Heaven and Desire for Emancipation,
19.3: In the Cycles of the Ages to Come (referring to passage of time), their Surrender and Desire to Reach Your Lotus Feet will turn into Intense Yearning, and finally Attain Your Abode.
19.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Tvad-Gopura-Agra-Shikharaanni Niriikssamaannaah
Svarga-Apavarga-Padaviim Paramaam Shrayantah |
Martyaa Manussya-Bhuvane Matim-Aashrayante
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||20||

20.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Your Devotees are Looking at the Highest Pinnacle of Your Temple Gopuram (Ornamented Temple Gateway) and Contemplating on Its Greatness,
20.2: Which is their Supreme Refuge, Superior to Position in Heaven and Desire for Emancipation,
20.3: Which is a Place Where the Heart can Surrender to the Bliss of Your Lotus Feet in this Mortal World of Human Beings.
20.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill; Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Shrii-Bhuumi-Naayaka Daya-[A]adi-Gunna-Amrta-Abdhe
Deva-Adhi-Deva Jagad-Eka-Sharannya-Muurte |
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||21||

21.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Your Devotees are having Your Darshan, O Lord of Sri Devi and Bhu Devi; You are an Ocean filled with Compassion and Other Nectar-like Qualities,
21.2: You are the God of the Gods and the One Great Embodiment of Giving Refuge to the Devotees in this World,
21.3: O the Possessor of Sri, the Devotees are Worshipping Your Lotus Feet which is Worshipped by Ananta (Adisesha), Garuda and Others.
21.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill; Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Shrii-Padma-Naabha Purussottama Vaasudeva
Vaikunnttha Maadhava Janaardana Cakra-Paanne |
Shriivatsa-Cihna Sharanna-[A]agata-Paarijaata
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||22||

22.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Your Devotees are Repeating Your Various Names - Sri Padmanabha (having Lotus in His Navel), Purushottama, Vasudeva, ...
22.2: Vaikuntha (Abode of Sri Vishnu), Madhava, Janardhana and Chakrapani (holding Chakra in His Hand).
22.3: You are the One with the Mark of Srivatsa on His Chest (where Sri Resides) and the Wish-Fulfiller of all those who take Shelter in Your Lotus Feet.
22.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Kandarpa-Darpa-Hara Sundara Divya-Muurte
Kaantaa-Kuca-Amburuha Kutt-Amala Lola-Drsstte |
Kalyaanna-Nirmala-Gunna-[A]akara Divya-Kiirte
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||23||

23.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Your Devotees are Contemplating on Your Beautiful Divine Form which though beyond the Three Gunas has the Power to Remove the Pride of Kama Deva (of giving rise to attraction in the mind),
23.2: When Your Incarnation attract Beautiful Women with Lotus-Like Bosom with Your Rolling Glance of Pure Curved Eyes,
23.3: You are Auspicious and Pure and Storehouse of Abundant Divine Attributes; Your Divine Glory is Limitless.
23.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Miina-[A]akrte Kamattha Kola Nrsimha Varnnin
Svaamin Parashv[u]-Atha-Tapodhana Raamacandra|
Shessa-Amsha-Raama Yadu-Nandana Kalki-Ruupa
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||24||

24.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Your Devotees are Contemplating on Your Divine Incarnations - Sri Matsa Avatara ( Form of Fish ), Sri Kurma Avatara ( Form of Tortoise ), Sri Varaha Avatara ( Form of Boar ), Sri Nrisimha Avatara ( Form of Man-Lion ) ...
24.2: ... Your Form O Lord of Sri Parashurama Avatara ( Wielder of Axe ), Sri Vamana Avatara ( Rich in Austerities ), Sri Ramachandra Avatara ...
24.3: ... Sri Balarama Avatara ( Rama who was Part of Adisesha ), Sri Krishna Avatara ( Son born in Yadu Dynasty ) and the Form of Sri Kalki Avatara.
24.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Elaa Lavangga Ghanasaara-Sugandhi-Tiirtham
Divyam Viyat-Sariti Hema-Ghattessu Puurnnam |
Dhrtva-Adya Vaidika Shikhaa-Mannayah Prahrssttaah
Tisstthanti Vengkatta-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||25||

25.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Brahmins are Performing Your Divine Rituals; With Water made Fragrant with Cardamom, Clove and Camphor ...
25.2: ... the Water obtained from the Divine Akasa Ganga River which they Filled in their Golden Pots ...
25.3: ... And Now Carrying the Pots the Brahmins who are Crest-Jewel in Vedic Knowledge are Thrilled with Divine Joy,
25.4: They are Standing before You and Singing - Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Bhaasvaan-Udeti Vikacaani Saroruhaanni
Sampuurayanti Ninadaih Kakubho Vihanggaah |
Dhaama-[A]ashrayanti Tava Vengkatta Suprabhaatam ||26||

26.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Sun is Rising and the Lotus Flowers are Blossoming,
26.2: The Mountain Birds are Filling the Sky with their Sweet Chirping Sound,
26.3: The Sri Vaishnavas who are Eternally Desirous of Your Auspicious Presence ...
26.4: ... have Taken Refuge in Your Abode and they are Singing - Salutations to You, O Venkateswara;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Santas-Sanandana-Mukhaas-Tav[u]-Atha Yogi-Varyaah |
Dhaama-Antike Tava Hi Manggala-Vastu-Hastaah
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||27||

27.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Sri Brahma and Other Principal Gods Along With the Maharishis, ...
27.2: ... Great Sages like Sanandana and Other Eminent Yogis ...
27.3: ... Have Come to Your Abode in Your Presence with Auspicious Items in their Hands,
27.4: (They are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Lakssmii-Nivaasa Nir-Avadya-Gunnai[a-E]ka-Sindho
Samsaara Saagara Sam-Uttarannai[a-E]ka-Seto |
Vedaanta-Vedya-Nijavaibhava Bhakta-Bhogya
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||28||

28.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Devotees are Invoking You; You Who are the Abode of Lakshmi and the One Ocean of Blemishless Divine Qualities,
28.2: You Who are the One Bridge to Cross Over the Samsara (Delusion of Worldly Existence); the Samsara which is Like an Endless Ocean,
28.3: You Whose Own Divine Glory is only Known by Understanding the Transcendental Knowledge of Vedanta; You Whose Transcendental Nature is Always there to be Enjoyed by the Devotees,
28.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.

Ittham Vrssaacala-Pater-Iha Suprabhaatam
Ye Maanavaah Pratidinam Patthitum Pravrttaah |
Tessaam Prabhaata-Samaye Smrtir-Angga-Bhaajaam
Prajnyaam Paraartha-Sulabhaam Paramaam Prasuute ||29||

29.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) Thus Ends the Suprabhatam of the Lord of Vrishachala Hill Here,
29.2: Those Persons who will Engage themselves in Reciting this Everyday with Devotion,
29.3: And at Dawn will Worship Sri Govinda with Mind and Body and with Intense Devotion,
29.4: For them the Highest Attainment of Spiritual Wisdom will become Easy by the Grace of the Supreme Awakened in their Hearts.

ॐNavgrah Shanti Mantra ( Brahma Murari )ॐ

Note: This is recited in the morning to make the day auspicious and fruitful. 

Brahma Murari Tripuran-takari
Bhanu, Shashi, Bhumi-suto Budhascha
Guruscha, Sukra, Shani, Rahu, Ketava
Kuru vantu sarve mama suprabhatam
Meaning: Oh, Brahma, Krishna, and Shiva
Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury
Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, North and South Nodes
Do, all you planets, help me to go forth well today

The term Navgraha denotes the nine celestial bodies which are central to astrological calculations. The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the two shadow planets Rahu and Ketu constitute the Navgrahas.
Navgraha puja and havan helps in removing sufferings in life. It helps in all endeavors. Luck improves after the Puja and Havan. Depression reduces and success is achieved in life. The importance of Navgraha in life is given below.

Surya (The Sun): The Sun is the most important and powerful graha among the Navgrahas who endows good health and prosperity.

Chandra (The Moon): Moon rules over mind and is important for success in life. The sign where Moon is placed at the time of birth is considered the Moon Sign.

Mangal (Mars): Mars gives prosperity and wealth.

Bhudh (Mercury): Mercury is the planet of knowledge and is the giver of wisdom and wealth.

Guru (Jupiter): Jupiter is important for success in education. It is the giver of all knowledge. Jupiter helps in curing ailments. It also cleanses negative emotions.

Shukra (Venus): Venus gives knowledge of art and music. He is also the giver of long life, wealth, happiness, children, property and good education. 

Shani (Saturn): Saturn ensures happiness. However, it can adversely affect when placed in any bad house. 

Rahu (Ascending node of the Moon): Rahu makes us stronger individual. Rahu can also help in converting enemies into friends.

Ketu (Descending node of the Moon): Ketu can bring prosperity and negates bad effects, illnesses etc. Ketu can also give good health, wealth and financial prosperity.

The materials needed for the Puja are Coconut, Beetle leaves, fruits, Ghee, Prasad, Sweets and Hawan samagri etc. Thereafter, food or Bhojan Dakshina should be offered to Brahmins who perform this Puja. Vastra Dan or cloths should also be given to the Brahmins at the end of the Pooja. Dakshina should be duly given to the Brahmins for performing Puja and Havan.

Specific mantras for each planets are given below

Mantra for Sun
“Om hran hreen hron saha suryaye namah”

Mantra for Moon
“Om shran shreen shron saha chandrmase namah”

Mantra for Mangal
“Om kran kreen kron saha bhoma-ye namah”

Mantra for Mercury
“Om bran breen bron saha buddha-ye namah”

Mantra for Jupiter
“Om gran green gron saha Gurvay  namah”

Mantra for Shukra
“Om dran dreen dron saha Shukra-ye namah”

Mantra for Shani
“Om pran preen pron saha Shanaye  namah”